Friday, July 3, 2009

Bon Anniversaire!


Last night was our dear friend Jessicas 19th birthday! (Shes below on the left!) so we went out to the local pub for dinner and drinks which was certainly a lot of fun!

I seem to be incapable of having my photo taken without pulling a face. Oh and please note the winter clothing were all wearing. Australia actually gets cold; who knew? haha

Soph & I

The lovers; Soph and Dan

Sophs favourite amazing shoesies!

But yes, this was a warm up for the weekend, were going to town saturday where im sure there will be some more photos INCLUDING SOPHIE IN HER LEATHER PANTS! ha, she has no way to get out of it now ive told the blogging universe.

Love, Hannah x


  1. Haha love the photo of you two. And those shoes ARE amazing. Can't wait for the leather pants post. The blogosphere awaits. *Get your leather, leather, leather on on on on* Sorry, been listening to too much YYY

  2. Awww.... looks like a grand evening. && yes, Aus certainly DOES get cold. I froze last night!

    && Thanks for mentioning the leather pants - these I can't WAIT to see!

  3. haha. idontlikeyouhannah.

    the leather pants will be here. oh humiliation.

    Sophie xo!
